Here are three ways to help other agents that reach out to you for help.
You are going to get a lot of questions from other agents who are in over their heads when it comes to helping a client with a complex move. Seniors, as you know, often have issues they need help with that are well beyond simply selling the house and the more you know, the more you will be called upon by others for your expertise. So, how do you handle this?
There are 3 ways:
1. If you know the agent is otherwise capable and just needs some quick help, share any tips or resources you have that may be beneficial in helping them make their client’s transaction easier.
2. If it seems that the agent is really not equipped to handle this complex situation, offer to collaborate with them or partner to support this client. This may involve a referral fee or some sort of agreed upon compensation.
3. Lastly, if the agent seems to really be empathetic about the issues this client is struggling with and really wants to get better at dealing with such issues, encourage them to get some additional training. Whether it is from us here at SREI or other trainings you may have found helpful in your journey to specialization, point them in the right direction.
I know your first instinct is to say, “I paid a lot of money and spent a lot of time learning what I know. I’m not simply going to coach you for free.” But, take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Let’s make sure that client is being served first.
Then, you can later have a conversation to help the agent understand the complexity of these moves and transactions and see what you can do to direct them to do something different next time they encounter a client with these needs.
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