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Question 1 of 1
1. Question
Review your real estate sales contracts and disclosures to familiarize yourself with the language concerning “agency.” Also review your state laws and the impact they will have on your ability to effectively serve longtime inexperienced home sellers, vulnerable clientele, or those who request fiduciary services.
If you have any concerns about your ability to serve clients effectively and legally, schedule a meeting with your broker and/or attorney on the topic of agency. Create multiple scenarios that may come up and discuss the implications.
Once you have done this, submit the following statement by filling in the blanks. Elaborate if necessary.
“As a part of my post-course requirements I ,_________(name),_____________ (have or have not) reviewed my state’s laws on agency, re-read all of my sales contracts and disclosures, and have consulted with my _____________ (broker and/or attorney) in regard to any questions or concerns around agency as it relates to working with longtime homeowners and other similar clientele.”
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.
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